Speech Title: Is Non-surgical treatment with watch & wait possible for locally advanced rectal cancer?
Biography: Prof Sun Myint graduated in Rangoon in 1972. He was appointed by the Medical Research Council as a clinical scientist in 1983 and became a consultant in 1989.
introduced contact radiotherapy for the treatment of rectal cancer to the UK,
establishing the Papillon unit at Clatterbridge in 1993. His research interest
is in contact radiotherapy and brachytherapy for rectal cancer.
Sun Myint has served on the Council of Association of Coloproctology of Great
Britain and Ireland (2006-09) and the Royal College of Radiologists (2009-12).
He was a specialist advisor for NICE on rectal brachytherapy and was appointed
chairman of GEC-ESTRO rectal and anal brachytherapy in 2011. He was elected
president of International Contact Radiotherapy Society in 2013.
2018 the Papillon team, led by Prof Sun Myint, won the prestigious BMJ Cancer
Care team of the Year award.
2021, Prof Sun Myint received a lifetime award for his contributions in
advancing radiotherapy in Europe. In 2022 he received the lifetime achievement
award at Clatterbridge’s Staff Excellence Awards, in recognition of his work
and having worked at the centre for 44 years.