1. More
exposure for an Exhibitor through interaction with attendees (Gastroenterologists,
Researchers, residents) and 1 hr. workshop in between the sessions (700+
participants & 50000+ viewers)
2. Put your
business/products/services front and centre on a 3*3-meter product showcase
booth (Customizable)
3. Get in front of thousands of audiences in
your target market
4. Brand
awareness & gain media exposure
Opportunity to generate awareness, and boost the perceived image of your
6. Increase
your reach and exposure to new clients, customers, and businesses
7. Your
Organization's name and logo will potentially be used during these outreach
campaigns (Over 1 million Gastroenterology Database)
Reconnect with customers and engage with an audience through live
Q&A, announcements, surveys & feedback
9. To
educate your customers about any upcoming upgrades or releases
10. More